Sunday, June 28, 2009

In Search of Glamour: Starting at Home

Over the last couple of months, setting up my home in a new town (I am really a feminist I promise!) has brought me endless joy and satisfaction. In a town full of different - or weird - things, people and ways of living, my own home is one place where I can ensure class and a relaxed, refined atmosphere (all on a budget, of course). I can set the mood with jazz or a swingtime music channel, light some candles and be at home. A home on the other side of the world. I never thought I'd see the day where I paged through more house & home magazines than fashion ones! A temporary lapse. Sitting in my flat (or condo - new word for me!) I could be anywhere in the world.

Favorites for getting the most for your money: Ikea, Home Sense, Home Outfitters, Wal-Mart (don't laugh - one just has to be really selective to find good deals!) and Pier One Imports (a bit more expensive but stacked full of great investment pieces that you won't find anywhere else).

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