Tuesday, June 9, 2009

If Only...

Life really was a bit more like Sex and the City. I suppose that it must be for some people, otherwise we probably wouldn't be as obsessed. Great jobs with really great pay, apartments in Manhattan (try Brooklyn for Miranda) and Glamour. With that capital G. And somehow, everything always turns out alright. It's comforting that while NY has a shortage of eligable men, there are some in every episode and that while some outfits are please-don't-put-that-on-my-dead-body, they are all SATCfabulous (officially now a word).

But the rest of us can only try to achieve that level of glamour, fufillment and style. Fun, but hard at the best of times, try moving from a big city that everybody's heard of to a town that people living 100 miles away don't even know about. More about that later.

1 comment:

  1. We don't need life to be completely like SATC but a little dose wouldn't hurt. I, for example, don't need a Mr Big but I wouldn't mind my own newspaper column. A couple of pairs of Manolos and Choos wouldn't hurt either. And of course those friends. But I think we know, we already have the best of those. Missing you! And loving the new blog!
